
Welcome to Poupee Collection, online shopping website mainly on bags. These bags are carefully selected base on their quality and all of them at ready stock. There are stylish, lively, trendy, elegent, casual and practial.

**I have open an account at MAYBANK for easy payment as I know many of you have Maybank account** Our bags are carefully selected base on their quality and all of them are ready stock.

We are offering bags that is value for money.

All PG美人網 bags listed here are from the same factory as per PG美人網 bags from Taiwan. Now you can save international shipping by buying here.

If you prefer handmade bags and pouches, do visit my handcraft shop at Combine shipping is available.

Free Shipping on order's above RM80

23 Aug 2009 - I am now having some digestive problems (not H1N1), which makes me easlier get tired and I need more rest. Please bare with my slow responds on replying mail. My post office visit will schedule once a week (Wednesday). I temporary will not receive any custom orders until futher notice. Sorry for the inconvience cause.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Sling Bags

North Shore Express 8 Sling Bag 沙滩包 [All sold]

New picture added at 31/7/09

I am modeling the bag~ just give you a idea how big the bag is it.

Detail of the bag: Click to enlarge picture

Colors available: Brown, Black, Pink, Yellow

Width: 40cm
Sling: 70~125cm

Status: Ready Stock

A cheerful colorful bag to get for this summer
Thick Water proof PVC
Sling Bag, adjustable long sling strap

Wide space of storage
Suitable for school, college even to the beach
Front printed text "North Shore Express 8"
3 compartments - front, back, middle
consist a zipper pocket and a handphone pocket(inner)

603 Doggie Casual Sling Bag [All Sold]

Color: Pastel colors in Silver, White, Pink , Gold [All color sold~ Thanks~!]

Width: 40cm
Sling: 65~125cm
Price: RM36

Status: Ready Stock
Artificial Leather
Consist 2 pocket beside the bag
Sling bag, adjustable long sling strap
Face of a dog infront of the bag, with 2 flip flap ears beside
Wide space of storage
Bag to carry to school, tuition or even for shopping

For more bags:

Please visit my another shop at You can shop more things there, such as vintage necklace, handmade items, pouch, zakka items and handmade materials .
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